In a consultative report on the development of a new Loulan, a panel of CAS Academic Divisions (CASAD) voice their suggestions on introducing the ecological recovery and leapfrogging development in lower reaches of the Tarim Rivier and Lop Nur.
Loulan, capital of the Loulan (Kroraina) Kingdom, was a prosperous city on the famous Silk Road about 2,000 years ago. The city was located on the west bank of Lop Nur, an ancient lake now becoming a vast expanse of sand dunes in the lower reaches of Tarim River in the northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
As a subcomponent of a major CASAD consultative program entitled "Eco-environment reconstruction & sustainable development in China's west," a team of about 20 CAS members and experts in the field of arid region studies have conducted field investigation and on-the-spot surveying research in the reaches of the Tarim River, Taklimakan Desert and the vicinity of Lop Nur, and has come up with a consultative report.
The region is full of promising potential in the economic and ecological point of view, the report observers. Although it is the most arid place in Asia, the region is rich in mineral deposits. It will be a pivotal hub for the projected Qinghai-Xinjiang Railway, a strategic passageway linking inland China and its border areas. Known as a “green corridor,” it also serves as a natural protective screen, preventing the advancing sand dunes and making the national expressway unclogged.
The scientists urge the government to initiate a project to build a new Loulan city. According to the blueprint, a new middle-sized city featuring eco-tour is to be constructed based on the existing framework of Ruoqiang (Qarkilik) and Qiemo (Qarqan) counties. As a necessary link in the local eco-economic chain, the experts believe, the proposed city will give rise to a peripheral hoop composed of oasis-cities.
It is urgent to revive the depleted ecosystem in the region, the report stresses. It is of strategic significance in promoting its ecological rebuilding and realizing a leapfrogging development in exploitation of the underground mineral trove, improvement of indigenous environment, socio-economic progress and cultural development, borderline stability and national solidarity among different ethnical communities in the region.
The city, the report envisages, will be conducive to further promoting the communications between the Xinjiang and inland China. Step by step, it will become a business center in the region.
The scientists assert that the key to the ecological rebuilding in the area when the project is under implementation lies in the sufficient water supply. During the period of the on-going national 10th Five-year Plan (2001-2005), the government has formulated a comprehensive harnessing plan for the reaches of the Tarim River, providing necessary conditions and preparatory work for the ecological revival in the area.
To put the project into practice, the scientists suggest, the top priority should be set on ecological protection. Furthermore, the curbing and prevention of the desertification trend as well as biodiversity restoration should be stressed. With water-saving steps as its core, the approach has to integrate the eco-reconstruction drive with the development of the regional economy. Specifically, its implementation should be through the following measures:
1. Various approaches should be adopted to solve the poser of water supply to the river's lower reaches. In addition, a highly effective and modernized system of pipelines is to be paved for water distribution and transfer so that the energetic exploitation and economized utilization of local water resources are equally stressed.
2. To carry out the pollution-free eco-reconstruction through desertification control, the restructuring of oasis farming and herding, and the industrialization for cultivation of salt-tolerant organisms.
3. Distinctive tourism, such as eco-tour.
4. Reconstructing of Loulan city through both ecological migration and urbanization.
In order to implement the project, the report suggests, a scheming design and pre-study are to be carried out. At the same time, the administrative status and power of the Tarim River Administration should be upgraded and expanded. To protect and rationalize consumption and management of local water resources, it is advisable that rational schemes for water division and deployment, marketing regulation and compensation mechanism for the ecological losses are all to be introduced so that a sustainable and well-concerted development might be nurtured administratively in the regional economy and social progress.