The 2005 Lake Hanas International Pulsar Symposium was inaugurated on August 2 in Urumqi, capital of northwest China's Xinjiang Ugyur Autonomous Region.
The one week event has convened more than 100 scholars from a dozen countries across the world. CAS Executive Vice President Bai Chunli spoke at the opening ceremony of the meeting.
The symposium is sponsored by Urumqi Observatory under the CAS affiliated National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Chinese Astronomical Society, the CAS Key Laboratory of Radio Astronomy and Foreign Experts Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
The meeting will focus on new results and techniques in the radio exploration of pulsars, especially in those research realms where China has made, and will continue to make, strong contributions. The main topics are pulsar timing, pulsar emission mechanisms, interstellar scintillation, observational and data processing techniques and strategies for pulsar studies on the next-generation large radio telescopes.